Tag: law

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Showing 13–15 of 15 results

  • (1 Review)$64.00
    The New Oxford Companion
    (1 Review)

    Education law involves a diverse range of issues from representing children with poor access to education to special education law to education reform. American laws mandate that every child be given the opportunity to an education.

    • Author:The New Oxford Companion
    • Publisher:
  • (1 Review)$98.00
    The Scottish Legal System
    (1 Review)

    Education law involves a diverse range of issues from representing children with poor access to education to special education law to education reform. American laws mandate that every child be given the opportunity to an education.

    • Author:The Scottish Legal System
    • Publisher:
  • (1 Review) Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $20.00.
    Torts and Consumer Protection
    (1 Review)

    Education law involves a diverse range of issues from representing children with poor access to education to special education law to education reform. American laws mandate that every child be given the opportunity to an education.

    • Author:Torts and Consumer Protection
    • Publisher:
    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $20.00.Add to cart
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3432 شارع حلمي كتبي - حي الزهراء حي الزهراء, جدة JEZA3432, المملكة العربية السعودية